In order to get your home exterior painting done right, you need to know exactly what to look for when finding a painter for the job. When you begin your search you should be considering the following:
Preparation and Areas of Dry Rot/Damage: Dry Rot or damaged areas need to be repaired before any painting can begin. It is important that the cost of both the preparation and repairs are included in the estimate, otherwise you could face a high price increase later on.
Paint Quality: It’s highly important that the company you choose use high quality paint. Antonis Construction only uses premium paint so the results will last longer and save you money and time in the long run.
How Long Will It Take?: Time is money and you don’t want to be spending more than you need to, however you don’t want a rushed job either. It’s important that you find a company that quotes you a reasonable time frame for the size and difficulty of the job.
Reputation: It goes without saying that the company you choose should have a good reputation, but don’t just rely on the marketing materials they provide you with, look up reviews online and ask the company for client referrals.